Financial Aid
The Atlanta Speech School recognizes that the cost of an independent education for students with learning differences is a significant investment for families, and we are committed to making educational and clinical services affordable to all qualified families to the extent that our resources allow. Financial aid is not available for the Anne & Jim Kenan Preschool.
Financial aid is meant to fill the gap between the actual cost of tuition or related clinical services and what a
family can realistically pay toward this cost. It is based solely on demonstrated financial need. Families are
expected to contribute to their child’s educational expenses to the greatest extent they are able. Note: Those
families with $200,000 or more in household income are unlikely to receive aid.
The School partners with FACTS Grant and Aid as a starting point in determining a family’s need for financial
assistance. FACTS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, gender or ethnic origin. The
information shared with FACTS is held in strict confidence by FACTS and the Atlanta Speech School.
Under the School’s policy, a family’s financial circumstances have no bearing on a student’s application for
admission. To promote clarity and good understanding we would like to stress the following points:
- Once a student has been admitted, financial aid must be applied for and is determined on the basis of
current demonstrated financial need against the School’s available funds. Application for financial aid
must be renewed annually. - To apply for financial aid, please visit FACTS Grant and AID to begin your application.
- Our financial aid program, made possible by generous donors to our mission, is intended only for
families who otherwise could not afford for their child to be enrolled here. As a result, an adjustment
in tuition is not intended to support discretionary items such as a second home, investment portfolios,
debt-free status, costly vacations, expensive club memberships, luxury automobiles or large amounts
of home-equity. In addition, if extended family members (e.g., a student’s grandparents) are
providing support for other expenses, we expect that their resources will be considered. - Rarely is financial aid granted to families who have an adjusted gross income (AGI – as defined by the
Internal Revenue Code) of more than $200,000 in the past year. - It is very possible that services offered by the School (except for the services offered by the Anne &
Jim Kenan Preschool) are “medical expenses” for income tax purposes and for health care flexible
spending accounts. Please review this Informational Tax Letter and consult with an accountant regarding possible
tax implications related to your tuition or clinic payment fee. - Should a family’s situation change in any way, for better or worse, it is imperative that the Finance
Office be contacted immediately so that our award of financial aid can be reviewed and adjusted when
required. - To be fair and considerate to all families applying for financial aid, the required financial information
that is requested must be received before the Financial Aid Committee can review the request. - Find out if you qualify for the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program.