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Alumni Connections

In search of all former parents and alumni of all ages! Welcome to the new alumni/former parent connections page.

wardlaw Alumni

“I get to go to work with colleagues providing transformational experiences for children. And I get to join children as they discover who they are on their way to becoming who they are meant to be.”  -Comer Yates, Executive Director

The Atlanta Speech School alumnae honor Comer’s words and go on to become healthcare providers, lawyers, business leaders, engineers and more because they built a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning. Students at the Atlanta Speech School develop an inner confidence to achieve greatness wherever their passions lie. Having spent part of their childhood learning through curriculum anchored in critical thinking and empathy, they grow to be adults making the greatest possible difference in the lives of others.

Since opening in 1938, the Atlanta Speech School has guided approximately 11,000 alumni to their next steps through language and literacy.  We are seeking to find as many of you as possible - to create a robust alumni community to which current students and families can connect and learn about transitions to elementary school, high school, college, graduate school and careers. We also hope that our Alumni Association helps former families and students connect with lost friends, read news about former classmates and learn about current happenings at the Atlanta Speech School.

Please take a moment to fill out your current contact information. We will add your current information to our database and may share pictures and updates on our alumni page. Thank you for getting back in touch with the Atlanta Speech School. You will have the opportunity at the end to fill out additional forms for additional alumni/children.


Are you a parent filling this form out on behalf of your child?required
Alumni Namerequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Middle (optional)
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
If you are a parent filling this out on behalf of your child, please include your contact information.
Parent Namerequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
If different from alumni's address
If different from alumni
If different from alumni
If different from alumni
If different from alumni
If different from alumni
You can put a range, for example 1995-1998 or even just the decade, ie the nineties).
Which School(s) did the alumni attend?requiredChoose all that apply.
Choose all that apply.


Spouse Name
First Name
Last Name
Attach up to 3 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen